Dividend Yield Extension for Robinhood.com

Want to download the extension now? Go to

If you use Robinhood.com, you’ll know it’s an inexpensive way to buy stocks and ETFs in a standard brokerage account. However, when you drop by the homepage, you can easily see your current portfolio value, but you can’t easily see information about dividends. If you owned rental real estate, you wouldn’t care day-to-day whether Zillow thinks your house went up or down in value, but you would care day-to-day whether the tenant paid their rent! It’s the same with dividend investment. You shouldn’t care too much about the liquidation value of your portfolio, because you don’t plan on liquidating. Rather you care whether your holdings are paying you dividends.

To this end, I created a Chrome extension. This extension reads data about dividend payments from Robinhood.com and then uses that information to compute your dividend yield – both on your current portfolio value, as well as on your funds invested.

So, if you’re using Chrome, just pop over to
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/plentyplan-dividend-exten/blhbfgmffophjibmbonfhpoebnoammko and install the extension. It’s free, and there are no ads.

I also want to say that the extension does not send any information over to me. It uses your computer to read the dividend history from Robinhood.com and all calculations happen on your computer. So, it’s completely private.

Here’s a screenshot of what you can see when you log in to Robinhood.com after installing the extension.